
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Today we finished our play. The book was really good and some of the characters in class played the roles amazingly. Then we answered a few questions about our play and the questions were simple. And that’s what our class period consisted of.. and then I was checked out of school in 3rd period.. ready for Washington DC.


 Todays lesson was about claim and evidence. Explaining and making claims are essential part of life. And we use them daily.. today was a long lesson however it really was not that much writing. We did not get the chance to finish reading but I'm sure we will resume it soon.Today was a good day and there was not much of a debate today in Mr.Rease’s class. 


 Today was picture day .. which most students had no clue about. Considering the fact that our school is so last minute with everything.. and really don’t keep us up to date like most schools would. But with today being picture day it wouldn’t be a regular day .. somebody just had to get something  started which was expected. However I try to stay away from that and just focus on me. Overall today was a great day ready for .. super excited for Thursday. 


 Today was Monday.. which is always the most unlooked for day. Im in second period right now and so far my day has been good. I look forward to coming to Mr.Rease’s class because we are always having some type of argument. And the funny thing is our topic for this week is argumentative essays. Including pathos, logos and ethos. Looking forward to the rest of this short week for me. 


 Today was quiz day. We had an easy quiz for the most part. Everyday in class it’s something funny going on. We never really know what to expect when we go into Mr.Rease’s room. We finished reading more of our play and we could be finished by friday.. depending on what happens tomorrow. 


 Today we discuss characterization. We discussed the two types of characterization. Direct and indirect characterization. Most authors use indirect characterization. We also discussed the steal method which is used to describe a character.We will also have an assessment tomorrow because of the students not paying attention but it does not really bother me. Then we finished the class period off by reading more pages of our play fences. 

bell ringer 9/21/22


notes .



 Today we read more of our book. But it was kind of boring because the students did not try to put any emotions into their characters. Then we proceeded to answer a few questions and the questions we answer always get a discussion going. Even though Mr.Rease shuts the discussion down… then we discussed denotation and connotation which is an easy topic. Overall today was fine. 


 Today we discussed the topic of fences. Fences can be used physically and metaphorically. Then we discussed the topic of segregation.. segregation ended but but it still exists. We also were able to watch a video of Oprah and the white people march. Then we ended the class off reading our play and the class couldn’t control their laughter. But today was a fairly good day. 

One pager

 Im not sure how to add an attachment on here.. but I can show you the assignment in class. 


 Mr Rease was absent again today as well. Since the sub needed a relief because she already had to cover Spanish for first period. So we went to Mrs.King class again. I completed my work earlier and it was a Friday so that meant this was the last day of school for the week. The class behaved well which was quite surprising. It was also game day so I was excited and I laughed the whole night. I really enjoyed my Friday night. 


 Mr Rease was absent today. So we thought we were going to have a sub however she needed a relief. So when we went into second period so much started going on. The lockdown already went off and they were saying something happened. However it was nothing just a false alarm. So that created caps but we ended up getting off lockdown and going to Mrs.king’s class. 


 So today I was able to start on my project. Im doing really well and I plan to finish it when I get home. In class while working we always find ways to have some type of debate. While debating the class got extremely loud per usual. However that’s besides the point… I enjoyed working on my project and plan to finish it later on today. 


 Today I found out about a project we have. So I had to read the passage so I could begin to start on my project. I am actually super excited for this project because it requires lots of creativity. And it gets my brain working and thinking. 


 I was not present in class. 


 Today there was no testing but we talked about reading. Reading is an essential part of life and most students dislike reading. However, I honestly enjoy reading at most times. We read a passage I was engaged in today and we discussed frame and morality. With frame in reading and movies you are able to get a background and more in depth look into things. With morality it is the principles of right and wrong and good and bad behavior. 

9/9/22 - bell ringer .

 Veteran’s past experience might affect his or her present life in many ways. One of the many ways is his or hers new mindset. Any veteran once had to get adjusted to the new path they were taking.They had to get adjusted to following rules, different morals, customs and even discipline. So this could affect their mind and the way they think in life. And even the way they value life. 


 Today we were supposed to finish our benchmark. But I didn’t finish.


 Today in class we did a benchmark for Dekalb county. Which was extremely draining. I am so tired of test….


 Today we went over analyzing a poem again. But that topic was brief considering we already learned that. So today we just went over out test scores and i mad an 100 which I was shocked about. I was really happy about my constructed responses considering I didn’t know if i would receive my scores back or not. And after looking at our test scores we just talked about process of elimination and how when thinking of the correct answer it isn’t always about your emotions based of that question but it’s about the best answer to that question. 


 We still are focused on Emily Dickinson and her poems. Im not a big fan of poetry or analyzing poems. As they can be difficult for me to interpret at times.